Friday, November 11, 2016

It's about acting with matter who you voted for...

So, after the election on Tuesday, I have heard people happy that the change they are seeking will, in their opinion, finally be happening. I have also heard people that are very saddened by the election because they are worried that the rights and freedoms of minorities in our country will be trampled upon by a Republican controlled congress and presidency.  Both feelings are legitimate.

However, while I have concerns about Donald Trump being our 45th president, what is really causing me concern right now is the way some people are reacting to his election.  There have been stories shared on different platforms of media that reference people ripping off hijabs off of Muslims, people placing letters of hate on the windshields of LGTBQ men and women, and others yelling hateful things at black people.  This is NOT okay.

You see, while most of the people I know voted for Donald Trump merely because they are wanting to see some change to trade, the economy, and other reasonable political issues (and know that I do not hate you or hold a grudge against you), there people in this country who voted for Donald Trump because his speeches gave them the freedom and the power  to practice hate towards blacks, LGTBQ, Muslims, and other minorities in our country, since many of his speeches expressed hatred and capitalized on fear towards these groups. These speeches gave voice to many different hate groups and white supremacists in our country; groups such as the KKK, who endorsed Trump for president.  These people are now carrying out actions of hate because Trump’s speeches, in their understanding, gave them permission to do so, and now even more so that he is now president-elect.

Like I said, most people I know did not vote for Trump because of his hateful views on minorities, but nonetheless these hate groups and supremacists are now acting as if it is okay to spread hatred and fear over minorities in our country because of the power that Donald Trump (knowingly or unknowingly) gave them, and this feeling has most likely tripled because Donald Trump has been elected to the highest office in the land.

Firstly, let me say that, if you voted for Trump, I do not hate you and I do not hold you responsible for the hate groups and supremacists that are currently terrorizing minorities in this country.  You are not responsible for the actions of those who were looking for an excuse to continue hating those different from them.

However, it is my hope that, no matter who you voted for in this election, you will NOT tolerate any hate or fear mongering towards minorities in this country.  It is my hope that we will all work together to protect the rights of blacks, LGTBQ, Muslims, and others.  It is my hope that we will continue to strive for justice and peace for all people in this country no matter what race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, gender, or economic status they identify with.  It is my hope that we will continue to act with love towards neighbor and enemy.

As I said in a Facebook status on the night of election day, right now we need to be the church that shines the light of Christ in the darkness.  We need to be the church that continues to promote Jesus’ gospel of love for ALL people!  We need to be the church that strives for justice and peace by speaking out against any and all hate groups as well as letting our elected officials know that we believe in equal rights for all minorities, for that promotes God’s love in the world.  We need to be the church that prays for Donald Trump and other elected officials so that they will govern our nation with God’s wisdom and love.  We need to be the church that will advocate for those being oppressed, and who will take it upon ourselves to use the power and privilege we have to educate others on how to be more open and accepting to people who are different from them.  This is the church we need to be in our world today, for this is the church Christ has freed us to be, and this is the church that Christ will use to promote love and not hate in the world.

Donald Trump, in his victory speech, talked of a need for our nation to come together.  I agree, but only in the sense that we come together to love each other and fight for the rights of all people in our country.  As long as we act out of posture of love and mutuality, this country will continue to grow and thrive.  After all, the reality of God’s kingdom hasn’t changed, and we get to help others more fully realize that reality; the reality that the true power that rules the cosmos is God’s love.

See you in the conversation,
Pastor Zach