Well, before I answer these questions, I want to make one
thing clear. Following Jesus is a
political statement! To be a follower of
Jesus is to live a certain way and act a certain way towards others. This is why we consider Christianity to be a
lifestyle. But, by claiming Jesus as Lord, you are also saying that Jesus is
the one you’re loyal to and who you are willing to follow. Jesus is your ruler! When claiming to be a follower of Jesus, you
are claiming that, above all else, you will follow Jesus and not any other
Now, I realize that my last sentence is a loaded one. I also realize that people could misinterpret
that statement to mean that Christianity trumps government, which could open up
a whole can of nasty worms. For example,
it is this kind of thinking that has caused the whole Kim Davis controversy. It is this kind of thinking that has caused
some politicians to try and use Christianity as a means to oppress others. They state that they are “following Jesus,”
but, really, they are just oppressing others and casting fear to gain power.
To be a true political follower of Jesus is to act exactly
like Jesus acted when he roamed the earth.
To be a true political follower of Jesus is to sit and eat with those
society has cast aside—prison inmates, the poor, the mentally ill, the LGTBQ
community, black people, the woman who had an abortion, people who have gone
through divorce, and all those who are oppressed or stripped of power. It is to love every single person (including our
enemies!). The be a political follower
of Jesus is to speak out against oppressive systems that take advantage of
other people; to work for peace instead of violence; to value all life above
everything else.
There are conservative politicians out there that talk about
making America a Christian nation once again, founded on Christian morals. Firstly, America was never a Christian
nation. Yes, it was founded by Christian
puritans who felt the Church of England had become too Catholic; but, it was
made clear in the development of our constitution that our forefathers wanted a
land where anyone was free to practice their religion without consequences or
punishment. Secondly, when these
politicians talk about Christian morals, they aren’t actually talking about
following Jesus. If they were, then they
would have political platforms that dealt more with destroying financial
systems that make the rich richer and everyone else poorer; they would be for
finding alternatives to mass incarceration; they would be for equal rights for
LGTBQ families; they would fight of systems of racism; and they would do
everything to promote life for all of creation.

See you in the conversation,
Pastor Zach
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