Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Why Attacking Colin Kaepernick is Un-American

There are a lot of people upset over Colin Kaepernick’s actions this past Friday evening when he chose to remain seated during the singing of the National Anthem before the San Francisco 49er’s vs. the Green Bay Packers preseason football game.  A lot of people are upset because they feel Kaepernick’s actions are disrespectful to the flag, what it represents, and to our country.  And, because of his actions, many people have taken to social media in order to tear him down and attack him for his actions. 

Here is one example of such an awful attack:

Image result for colin kaepernick nfl memes white oppression

Now, firstly, let me say that I fully understand why the flag is important to many people in our country.  I understand that it represents the wonderful freedoms that we cherish (even take for granted at times) as citizens of the United States of America. I understand that our flag is also a reminder of the cost that our military veterans have paid to ensure our freedoms. I also understand how the flag can represent a healthy pride for our country.  I too get excited to see our flag raised at the Olympics when an American has medaled in their event.  For these reasons I understand why some people are upset at Kaepernick.

However, what has really bothered me about this whole thing is the fact that Americans have been so quick to judgment and attack that they haven’t even stopped to consider why Kaepernick acted this way in the first place.  How many of you actually knew that Kaepernick chose to do this as a statement to raise awareness to the fact that for many people of color the flag doesn’t represent freedom but oppression.  It is hard to believe, but people of color in our country are still racially profiled and are oppressed because of it.  They do not feel like they have the same freedoms as white Americans do in this country.

But, instead of listening to Kaepernick’s reasons and trying to understand them, most Americans are demanding that he treat the flag from the white, privileged American point of view.  They demand that he respect the flag, totally forsaking his feelings on the matter.  It is the equivalent of demanding that a spouse remain in a physically abusive relationship simply because she is supposed to “respect” her man. 

This is a problem that runs rampant in our country.  Because of our society is highly individual and very egocentric, we refuse to listen to another person’s point of view.  We refuse to acknowledge that perhaps there is more than one opinion on a topic or more than one point of view.  We demand that people see things “our way” and we will attack them if they don’t agree with us. 

Have you ever stopped to think that the freedoms that our flag represent actually give Kaepernick the right to take a stand against it?  What our flag represents is the freedom to stand in reverence of it or to stand against it because of the injustice that is still happening to minorities in our country.  To stand in blind obedience to the flag is to turn it into an idol and to forsake the freedoms our country was founded on.  Demanding that Kaepernick respect the flag is acting from a dictator’s point of view and not a democratic point of view.

You see, I feel that most people in this country forget that freedom for everyone means that you can only go as fast as the car driving in front of you.  In other words, your freedom stops when it begins to oppress the freedoms of others.  What Americans have been doing to Colin Kaepernick has further oppressed him and the people of color he is representing to him.  Demanding that Kaepernick respect the flag is oppressing his right to stand against it.

It is okay to disagree with Kaepernick as long as you are willing to understand his position and respect it without demanding that he only act from your point of view.  After all, how would you feel if someone demanded that you respect a symbol that has caused you pain and suffering?  In my mind Kaepernick is acting as a true American.  Someone who understands that the freedoms he has been given allows him to stand against the flag when that flag represents an injustice that is still happening to people of color in this country. 

God created our world to be diverse.  This means that there will always be differing opinions and disagreements between peoples.  However, God also created us to be in community with each other.  This means that the only way our community will remain strong is if we are willing to listen to each other with the intention to understand, not rebuttal.  Perhaps, after listing to Kaepernick you still won’t agree with him; however, you may find that you have come to a deeper understanding of why he chose to remain seated during the National Anthem.  And in that understanding, you may find that Kaepernick isn’t being un-American (or a child), but rather a true American who speaks out, exercising his first amendment right, in order to bring to light an issue that our country continues to ignore or act like it doesn’t exist.  At the very least, perhaps you will see him as a child of God and realize that no person deserves to be treated the way Americans have treated Kaepernick.  After all, Christ promises that it is love which ties us all together and makes us strong.

Peace and blessings,

Pastor Zach    


  1. While I agree that Colin doesn't deserve to be demonized or vilified for his actions, he does need to be more "thoughtful" as to how he utilizes his freedom of expression. I completely understand the request to remove Confederate Flags from public buildings. While I don't agree with many of the things "Christianity" has done "in the name of Christ", I still stand when the Cross is processed and the Gospel is read. The flag didn't oppress people. The constitution has been (and will continue to be) amended so as not to oppress people. Colin is free to challenge those who try to use the flag or constitution to oppress people, but a "blanket action" that points the finger at "all Americans" is an ill-conceived action...unless your purpose is 10 minutes of "fame".

  2. I read through Kaepernick's comments about his actions and I did not read anything to suggest that his protest was a blanket statement against all Americans. Rather his statement is about raising awareness that he feels people of color are still very much oppressed and he cannot stand for a symbol thar is supposed to represent freedom when so many lack that freedom due to systems of racism in our country. As far as reverencing the cross and the gospel, while they are symbols of Christianity, they point to the greater realty of Christ Jesus. We reverence them, not because they represent the Church (or what the church has done), but because they point us to the saving acts of God on the cross, for all the world. So, I reverence the cross and stand for the gospel because they do represent the freedom we have in Christ, which to me overshadows the ways the Christian Church has used and abused the cross and the gospel.
